Saturday, January 9, 2010

Movie Theme Party I'm Going To A Movie Theme Party And My Category Is Horror.?

I'm going to a movie theme party and my category is horror.? - movie theme party

Ok so basically my friend is a pajama party and the theme of cinema. Thus, each has a class and I am horrified. So I'm going to 2 movies. But we do add something in this category. Example: My friends and comedy will make biscuits with smiley faces on them. Then I asked myself what I can do something in the oven, facts or anything. So if you have any ideas please respond. Even my friend who has the music and the performance of the bags with notes on them.


Maggie said...

Disabling cookies actually found the target in the last Halloween, but IDK if they have now.

jasmine w said...

I believe that nothing in the sense of a really strange food that looks like a horror film. Perhaps the site below will help you bodyparts #

or could even lead to wrist fear for themselves or buying tapes and badazzle or color could be red paint in the name of the killings as "Michael Myers", "Jason," "It's the clown ',' Leather Face 'or (so can be anything, like a shirt or a bag "

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